1895   15/9   Embossed coat of Arms    Line perf A, B,C, D

25B redbrown
a/ transparent white paper
b/ horizontally rippedpaper
bobbi1.jpg (14472 bytes)

1896  Changed colour   Embossed coat of Arms   Line perf A, B,C, D

25B brick red variation: Tetebeche

1898  October  Wm IV  thick paper   Line perf A, B,C, D

25B brick red
bobbi2.jpg (12577 bytes) tetebeche pair
pair from marginal - one with wm, one without

1899  October  Wm V     Line perf A, C, D

25B brick red

1905  No wm   Thin paper,pink at backside  Perf B, C, D    exists with wm fragment "Johannot et Cie Annonnay"

25B brick red bobbi3.jpg (13660 bytes)

1905  No wm  White paper,  perf A,B

25B brick red bobbi3.jpg (13660 bytes)

1928   FACTAJ 5 LEI  Perf K  13 1/2:14   exists with watermark line

5L on 10B light green

bobby7.jpg (10505 bytes)