(wikipedia link)
(official website)
(Old Czernowitz gallery)

cernautiaustria.jpg (26489 bytes)
1918  Obolul benevol Cernauti
1L black and red  on white or grey paper
courtesy: Valentin Robu

192?   Colonia scolara a jud. Cernauti
1L red brown

192?  O caramida pentru
Casa Nationala din Rosa Cernauti

2L redbrown

193?  Asistenta Sociala  Primaria municipiului Cernauti
1L redbrown,   5L blue
1910 (?)  Scoala Romana Cernauti
2 (heller) in red or violet or brown or blue or green
1935  Carol II University
1L green
5L brown
10L purple

1942  Administratia Provinciei Bucovina    
The (north of) this territory had special status, as it was ceded to Russia under pressure in 1940, recaptured a year later and then again lost after 1945.
(On document)

courtesy: Valentin Robu

10L black (1942)
10L brown red (1943)
1935  Judecatoria mixta Cernauti
Eforia Judecatoreasca
1L yellow green
2L orange
3L red
5L blue
1922 Czernowitzer Elektrizitatswerk und
5L (4 koroane) brown/yellow  Schülerkarte
25L (9 koroane) red/pink Monatskarte (1923)

Some of the most endearing cinderellas of Romania must be these Souvenir cinderellas:

1922 Souvenir stamps 20 values

Row 1: Erinnerung, Geist, Leben, Seligkeit, Erneuerung
(Memory, Soul, Life, Spirituality, Innovation)
Row 2: Gemüt, Liebe, Sieg, Freiheit, Heil
(Good mood, Love, Victory, Freedom, Greeting)
Row 3: Offenherzigkeit, Treue, Freude, Innigkeit, Schönheit
(Sincerity,           , Joy,           , Beauty
Row 4: Überzeugung, Friede, Klarheit, Ehnsucht, Wahrheit
(Belief, Peace,            , Longing, Truth)