BUCHAREST II  Definitives 1879
From 12-on proofing plates  - Colour trials
81. 1 1/2 B Rose 82. 1 1/2 B Red 83. 1 1/2 B Yellow 84. 1 1/2 B Orange
85. 1 1/2 B Brown-yellow 86. 1 1/2 B Green 87. 1 1/2 B Yellow-green 88. 1 1/2 B Blue-green
89. 1 1/2 B Clear blue 90. 1 1/2 B Dark blue 91. 1 1/2 B Lilac  

As visible : there are more shades than in the listing above.
Until we扉e worked further with this: Believe your eyes.
1879-01B-d.jpg (61815 bytes)