cuza20pt2-2.jpg (18107 bytes)
Doua Parale instead of Doua Deci
cuza20px-1.jpg (17250 bytes)
1. Small
2. Askew
3. Thin
4. Foot of R missing
5. Thin beard
7. R foot long
8. Big types
cuza20px-2.jpg (18199 bytes)
1. Askew
2. Rough design
3. Straight
7. N not connected to net
8. Small head of S, plump ear
cuza20px-3.jpg (17284 bytes)
1. Curved foot
3. Head turned inwards
4. Long foot
7. Flat/wide head of R
8. Ear goes straight into hair
cuza20px-4.jpg (18061 bytes)
2. Smaller types
4. Long foot
5. Rough design
6. Frame broken
8. Point on ear, rough shadowing