In subtitle
5a/ interiurul (instead of interiorul) Ornament B
5b/ circula (instead
of a circula)
5c/ Romnici instead of României
5d/ decât, cât possibil, scrissorile ornament a
5e/ as 5d + correspondenta instead of corespondenta (with accent on t)
5f/ decât, ct posibil, scrisorile ornament a or b
5g/ as 5f, but scrissorile ornament b
5h/ as 5g, but lamurt instead of lmurit ornament a
5i/ as 5h, but but pot instead of potu ornament a or b
5j/ as 5i, but recommada instead of recomanda ornament a
5k/ decat, ct po-sibil, scrisorile ornament b
5l/ as 5k + ecri instead of scri ornament b
5m/ ea toate instead of la toate