9a/ decât cât possibil scrissorile
9b/ as a + platesce instead of pltesce
9c/ as b + D in DE POSTA tilted
9d/ dect ct
possibil scrissorile
9dE/ r in recomanda split
9e/ as d + platesce instead of pltesce
9f/ dect cât
possibil scrissorile
9g/ dect ct
possibil scrissorile
9h/ as 9d + nimic insted of nimicu
9hE/ D in CARTA DE split at top
9i/ as 9g + pot instead of potu
9k/ as 9h + adoctorulor
instead of aductorului
9m/ dect ct
posibil scrissorile
9n/ dect ct
possibil scrisorile
9p/ distance between the words DE POSTA is 2 1/2 mm instead of 2mm
9r/ coreason instead of corespon
9s/ scrisssorile
9t/ decât ct
possibil scrissorile
more to come