During the recovery of Transilvania to Romania stocks of hungarian stationery in the Post offices in Cluj and Timisoara were overprinted with text and value in Romanian. These were in circulation to the 15/3 1920.


1919. Tipografiate "Uj Vilag" Cluj
CPT 1   10B black on 10F red
cluj.jpg (26731 bytes)
1919  Executed by the post in Timisoara  - coat of arms much smaller   - hand printed
CPT 2     10B black on 10B red
1919  Hungarian military card of 1918   Tipografiate "Uj Vilag" Cluj
CPT 3     10B black, grey carton
cluja1.jpg (20250 bytes)
a nice display of CPM3 used
1919  Carte postala inchisa (Letter card)
CPT 4         15B black on 20F brown
lot13-2.jpg (35148 bytes) 


1944 Tirgu-Mures  a/ ovp 50f    b/ double ovp 1p on 50f
44odorheiu.jpg (17500 bytes)
odorhei1p.jpg (19487 bytes)

All images courtesy: Dr Mircea Dragoteanu
except all of CPT3 which are courtesy of Chris Trevers