These never had any postal use. Printed in Madrid.
Some cinderellas like these were also issued in Brasil.

More info: Timbre anti-comuniste

postcard issued 1953in Spain
1. 2nd World Congress of Latin Union, Madrid  10 May 1954

3 values, 5, 10, 15
Issued: 25.000 perforated,  5.000 imperforated,  1000 philatelic souvenir cartons

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2. Bern  1 december 1955
1 value, 1 block
Issued:  25.000 perforated, 3000 blocks imperforated (blue),
3000 blocks imperforated (red)

Horizontal pair imperf in the middle




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3. UNESCO  9 april 1956
1 value,
Issued: 6.000 perforated, 500 philatelic souvenir cartons



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Issue nr 3 with black overprint:
Sapte ani de existenta/biblioteca romana din freiburg/ 10 mai 1956
Issued: 2000 copies


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23 May 1956

6 values
(3 fauna: 5, 10, 15)
(3 flora:  5, 10, 15)
Issued: 20.000 flora +
20.000 fauna perforated
3.000 flora +
3.000 fauna imperforated

500 FDC perforated (2x250)  300 FDC imperforated (2x150)




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6. 38th anniversary of reunion with Transylvania  1 december 1956
Issue nr 1 with black overprint (3 values):
Unirea romanilor/alba iulia/1 decembrie 1918
Issue: 5.000 imperforated,  1.000 philatelic souvenir cartons

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7. EUROPA 1956  13 january 1957
3 values (all 15b)
Issue: 50.000 perforated
2.000 imperforated
1.000 philatelic souvenir cartons
8. 40th anniversary of battle at Marasesti  19 august 1957
Issue nr 2 with overprint:
Marasesti/simbol al vitejiei romanesti 1917-1957
Issue: 3000 blocks imperforated,  500 philatelic souvenir cartons
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9. 500th anniversary of king Stefan  13 september 1957
Issue nr 7 with overprint:
Stefan cel mare domn al moldovei/atletal al luihristos si viteaz aparator al frontierei rasaritene a europei 1457 - 1957
Issue: 5.000
600 FDC
500 Maxi-cards
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10. Centenary of first moldavian stamp 10 may 1958
Issue: 15.000 perforated,  3.000 imperforated,  500 FDC perforated, 300 FDC imperforated,  500 philatelic souvenir cartons


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11. Second EUROPA emission,  10 may 1958
2 values, 25 , 50
Issue: 20.000 perforated,  3.000 imperforated, 1.500 philatelic souvenir carton, 1.000 FDC (500 perf + 500 imperf)


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12. Third EUROPA emission,  8 november 1958
3 values, 25, 50, 75
Issue: 20.000 perforated, 3.000 imperforated, 1.000 philatelic souvenir cartons, 700 FDC perforated, 300 FDC imperforated
Imperf essay in different colour, normal 25 perf as comparision
courtesy: Mircea Dragoteanu
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13. ANTI-COMMUNIST LEAGUE  30 november 1958
2 values, 25b green, 50b blue
Issue: 40.000 perforated (7.000 with overprint E.XXXV), 10.000 imperforated (3.000 with overprint E.XXXV)


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14. 100th anniversary unification
Romania, Moldova and Muntenia  24 january 1959

4 values, 15b, 25b, 50b, 75b  different colors
Issue: 10.000 perforated, 2.000 imperforated, 3.000 blocks,
1.000 philatelic souvenir cartons, 1.000 FDC (4x250)




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15. Europe that suffers  10 may 1959
3 values printed in blocks of 9 in 3 colours :
3x25b, 3x50b, 3x75b, red, green, blue
Issue: 15.000 blocks of 9 perforated
1.500 blocks of 9 imperforated
50 philatelic souvenir cartons
1500 FDC perforated (3 stamps)
300 FDC imperforated (3 stamps)
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16. 15 years since the crucifixion of Romania   23 august 1959
Issue nr 15 with overprint in 3 languages: 23 august 1944 - 23 august 1959 15 years since the cucifixion of Romania
4.500 blocks of 9 imperforated
500 philatelic souvenir cartons (blocks of 9)
1.500 FDC (strips of 3)
17. HUMAN RIGHTS   30 september 1959
75b, black and 75b violet
Issue: 27.000 perforated, 10.800 imperforated,
500 FDC perf, 300 FDC imperf

18. REFUGEE Year   8 november 1959
1 value, 75b blue
Issue: 12.000 perforated (2500 overprinted E XX),  3.000 imperforated (1.000 overprinted E XX)
700 FDC perf,  300 FDC imperf
19. FOURTH EUROPE emission   1 december 1959
75b green and 75b red
Issue: 12.000 perforated, 3.000 imperorated,
700 FDC perf, 300 FDC imperf




21 december 1959

Issue: 2.500 perforated, 1.000 imperforated, 500 FDC perf, 200 FDC imperf
3 values 10b, 15b, 25b blue  in strips of 3 - exists in english, spanish and romanian
Issue: 10.000 strips of 3
500 FDC
22. Fifth EUROPE emission 19 september 1960
75b blue with attached text field in romanian, french or spanish
Issue: 10.000 perforated
1.000 imperforated





23. Olympics ROME 1960   13 january 1960
75b, in romanian, spanish or english. Some with text field: Roma 1960
Issue: 24.000 perforated (9.000 overprinted E.XXIX),  5.000 imperforated (3.000 overprinted E.XXIX)
1.700 FDC
24. FOR AMNESTY   23 march 1961
Issue 15 with overprint: EUROPENI LIBERI! etc in 3 languages
Issue: 6.000 blocks, 1.500 FDC
25. Sixth EUROPE emission   10 september 1961
50b green, 75b red and 1 Leu blue
15.000 perforated, 3.000 imperforated, 3.000 blocks
500 FDC perforated, 300 FDC imperf, 300 FDC block  





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26. 25th anniversary Death of Ion Mota and Vasile Marin  
13 januari 1962
75b brown, 75b red and 75b violet
Issue: 15.000 perforated,  3.000 imperforated
800 FDC perf,  200 FDC imperf  


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27. American astrounaut John Glenn   10 may 1962
2 values, both 1 Leu
Issue: 5.000 perforated, 3.000 imperforated
700 FDC perforated, 300 FDC imperforated



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28. Centenary of stamps Moldavia/Muntenia  1 june 1962
Issue: 16.000 perforated, 1.600 imperforated
500 FDC perf, 300 FDC imperf, 200FDC tete-beche
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29. Sports championship Belgrad 1962  15 september 1962
Issue 23 with overprint campionatul europei de atletism etc
Issue: 9.000 perforated, 3.000 imperforated
1.500 FDC perf, 300 FDC imperf
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30. Seventh EUROPE emission 17 september 1962
75b brown and block 1 Leu green
Issue: 5.000 perforated, 2.000 imperforated, 2.000 blocks
500 FDC perf, 200 FDC imperf, 200 FDC block
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31. Universal struggle against hunger   10 may 1963
Issue: 8.000 imperforated, 2.000 blocks  250 FDC (block + imperf)
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32. Centenary of First international Post Conference Paris   3 june 1963
Issue: 10.000 imperforated, 2.000 blocks
500 FDC imperforated,  100 FDC blocks
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33. Centenary of Red Cross  15 august 1963
Imperf stamp printed in minisheet of 10
Issue: 10.000 imperforated, 3.000 blocks
500 FDC imperforated, 100 FDC blocks
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34. Eigth EUROPE emission 18 september 1963

8.000 perforated,  2.000 imperforated, 2.000 blocks
500 FDC perf, 250 FDC imperf, 250 FDC block
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35. 25 years since death of Codreanu  30 november 1963
overprint on issue 13 : XXV/ANI/DE LA/MOARTE/1938-1963
Issue: unknown
36. Christmas in Eastern Europe  23 december 1963
Imperforated block of 8 stamps, half 50b, half 75b. 4 different: Romanian, spanish, french, german.
Issue: 3.000 blocks per version, 2.000 FDC (4x500)
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37. Ranger 7     31 july 1964
Issue: 4.000 perforated, 1.000 imperforated, 600 FDC perf, 300 FDC imperf
38. Ninth EUROPE emission  25 september 1964
Issue: 10.000 triplets perforated, 10.000 triplets imperforated, 5.000 imperf blocks (2x2.500)
500 FDC imperf, 500 FDC imperf, 500 FDC block
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39. Christmas   23 december 1964    
Issue: 12.500 perforated, 2.500 imperforated, 5.000 blocks (2x2.500)  FDC unknown
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40. Tenth EUROPE emission   25 september 1965    
Issue: 8.000 perforated, 2.000 imperforated
2.000 blocks
250 FDC perforated, 250 FDC imperforated, 500 FDC blocks
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41. For Basarabia - Frontier of Eastern Europe  30 october 1965
Issue: 8.000 prforated, 1.600 imperforated,
2.000 blocks
500 FDC perforated, 500 FDC imperforated
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42. Christmas  20 december 1965   
Issue: 50.000 perforated, 7.500 imperforated, 1.000 blocks
500 FDC perforated, 200 FDC imperforated, 300 FDC blocks
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43. Eleventh EUROPE emission   30 november 1966
Issue: 10.000 perforated, 2.000 imperforated,
3.000 blocks
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44. Tenth anniversary of filatelic propaganda  30 november 1966
Issue: 10.000 perforated, 2.000 imperforated, 3.000 blocks
45. Christmas  20 december 1966
one line of text: "Mantueieste doamne, poporul tau"
12.000 perforated, 1.000 blocks
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46. Twelfth EUROPE emission10 may 1967
20.000 imperforated
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47. Christmas   20 december 1967
Two lines of text:"Mantueieste doamne, poporul tau/ Si binecuvinteaza mostenirea ta"
Issue: 4.000 imperforated, 1.000 blocks
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48. Thirteenth EUROPE emission  10 may 1968
Issue: 20.000 imperforated
49. 50th anniversary of reunion of Transylvania to Romania 
1 december 1968
Issue: 6.000 perforated, 3.000 imperforated
50. Christmas   1 december 1968
Issue: 5.000 perforated, 2.000 imperforated

In sheets
51. Fourteenth EUROPE emission 10 may 1969
Issue: 20.000 perforated, 4.000 imperforated
52. Moon travel  21 july 1969
Issue: 1.000 perf. pairs, 1.000 imperf pairs
53. Against limitations of freedom   8 november 1969
Issue: 1.000 imperf pairs
54. Christmas 1969   20 december 1969
Issue: 2.000 blocks
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